The school is open on all other holidays except those announced.
Festival on Facebook - Check out the Festival School of Ballet page on Facebook. Every week Clare provides photos, articles in the local media about our students, and links to film clips, ballet workouts, features, performances and reviews.
Tuesday, September 3, 2024: Fall classes begin. Call Clare to register today at 716 984 1586 or 716 982 1465.
Thursday, January 2, 2025: Classes resume.
Zoom virtual classes are available on Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 6:00 pm. You are welcome to join us. Follow the link:
We also now have a number of classes on YouTube. Visit the Clare Fetto channel.
FSB gear available ~ Adult & Youth ~ Place an Order today! See Clare.
Photos from our June, 2019 performance...The Boogie Woogie Ballet by Anna of AKZ Photography.
Please be sure to visit to view the beautiful photos of our June, 2014 Performance Gypsy Dances taken by Jethro Soudant.

Photos from June, 2013 "Western Symphony" Performance at Festival School of Ballet by Jethro Soudant. Please visit to view all performance photos. They are fabulous!
Photos from Down Peacock Alley FSB June 2012 performance! Visit
Photos from "Chaines & Sailors" - Festivals June, 2011 performance are now available on Shutterfly. Go to
Photos from "Carnival" - Photos from the June, 2010 performance of "Carnival" are available on Shutterfly. You can get professional prints of any of the over 500 shots taken by renowned photographers Jethro Soudant and Shasti O'Leary. Go to